How Not to Use the Internet – For the Uninitiated

Know Thy Downloads

Nothing is as cringe worthy as watching a newbie trying to download an important file, or something as simple as a picture from Facebook. First and foremost, don’t end up being such a guy/girl. Secondly, learn as much as you can about reliable sites to download content from.

Not every site you come across has good intentions, and neither are they giving away content for the “greater good”. These sites are created for a purpose, and the purpose is to capture as much information as possible, which means they can, and most probably will, resort to malicious tactics to meet their goals. Knowing where and how to download content from is not enough; read up and try to keep yourself up-to-date with the latest happenings in regards to free content online. But if that proves to be too much of a hassle, stick to reliable sites. Fe Fi Fo Fum, Don’t Invite Hacker Scum   Hackers and cybercriminals are always on the lookout for easy prey. When we say easy prey, we are referring to those that either do not utilize a Firewall, or have miraculously won a million dollars from a lost relative in Nigeria (sarcasm, obviously). The trick is simple; ensure your system’s anti-virus program is up and running. Also, avoid opening emails and messages that seem too good to be true. Easy peasy, right?

Thou Shall Not Browse Online without an Anti-Virus

Using the internet for any reason without an anti-virus is a big NO. An anti-virus serves as your last line of defense.

Make sure you install a good anti-virus. Pay for it if you have to, but don’t take it lightly. People not willing to pay for such protection usually wound up losing their data. Stay safe, install anti-virus. It is just that simple.

Don’t Give Away Your Information to Every Tom, Dick and Harry

No matter who you come across online, be it Justin Bieber or President Barrack Obama himself, under no circumstance can you go about handing out personal information. Internet users fail to realize that something as trivial as your credit card’s expiry date can be used in unimaginable ways. Only give out information when it is required, or to a person authorized to handle such information in the first place.

Accept VPN as your Savior

Internet users who wish to go the extra mile can easily protect themselves online with the help of VPN review websites like USAVPN. The website reviews and lists different VPN providers according to their services to make it easier for internet users to make an informed decision.

Don’t Know What a VPN Is?

A VPN serves as an effective tool that not only masks your IP but renders you invisible to hackers, cybercriminals and spy agencies as well. At the same time, it secures you over open Wi-Fi networks, which usually serve as breeding grounds for hackers, cybercriminals, and government-funded surveillance agencies. Go for a VPN which is strict against keeping any logs of user, Purevpn is one of the provider that is rated much highly in privacy and anonymity, check Purevpn Comprehensive Review 2016.

Taking the aforementioned tips into account, you are now capable enough to use the internet, at least a lot safer than before. Make the most of these tips, and benefit from the internet in all its glory, without having to worry about falling victim in the process.

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