Undoubtedly, it is essential to communicate and you only have to see when one of them falls and it seems that our routine is paralyzed looking desperately for an alternative. But among all these, there are two that stand out above the rest: iMessage and FaceTime, and these both services are more than excellent in terms of privacy and security. The Electronic Frontiers Foundation (better known by its short name EFF) recently, presented an interesting report in which the main messaging and communication applications of the market were put to the test. The objective of this test is simply to raise awareness and make them see how they endanger their privacy with each message sent, in addition to recommending them to use some more than others for certain cases. The foundation seriously questioned what were the applications that allowed secure and private communications to an Internet increasingly monitored by government organizations and lurking thousands of avid hackers to know our private data to take advantage of it. Hence, as we told earlier that for secure messaging service, iMessage is the best option. But, the problem is that iMessages is a service exclusive to the tech giant Apple’s customers only and many would like to see it reach other platforms. The tech giant Apple insists on keeping it only on iOS and macOS, thereby limiting its use. A new project, which has now been revealed, aims to bring to Android this service. weMessage promises to make this bridge but uses a little trick to do it. Many projects and apps/services have promised to bring the iMessages connection to Android. Even rumours of the tech giant Apple’s opening to this system took its passage for granted, which never really happened. Now, with a functional solution, comes the weMessage, an app that brings the iMessages to Android. The “secret” of weMessage, and its solution for integrating messages to and from Android on Apple’s system is an additional app, which should be running permanently on a Mac. It is with this application that will be made the interconnection between the two worlds and the passage of information to and from the Apple messaging service. All the functions that you can find in Apple iMessages can also be found in weMessage, so it is possible to communicate without problems or limitations with any Apple equipment.

According to its creator, this solution does not violate the principles of the tech giant Apple’s services and is therefore not in violation of any rule or imposition of the company. Even with all the certainty and assurances given by the creator of weMessage, the most certain thing is that the tech giant Apple finishes soon with this proposal. Enjoy and test weMessage and see what the tech giant Apple gives its users. So, what do you think about this iMessage for Android? Simply share your views and thoughts in the comment section below.


Here s How You Can Use iMessage On Android Phones - 88Here s How You Can Use iMessage On Android Phones - 98Here s How You Can Use iMessage On Android Phones - 34